2011 m. rugpjūčio 29 d., pirmadienis

Kokią specialybę jūsų mėgiamos spalvos nurodo jums?

                     Radusi naują man blogą HOW ABOUT ORANGE ir besiblaškydama po jį radau keletą spalvinių testų. Minimum keturis praleidau pro akis ir nesprendžiau. Bet vieną išbandžiau - štai šitą. Originaliai jis yra po šiuo adresiuku. Kaip ir Jessica Jones rašo savo bloge - pirma reakcija: iš kur jūs taip jau mane pažįstat ir kas jums pasakė, kad aš tai mėgstu daryti?
                     Pabandykite ir jūs ;) Gal ir jūs nustebsite :)


The Dewey Color System® is now the world's most accurate career testing instrument.
This report based on your personality traits indicates your two most enjoyable day-day-day occupation skills. It’s a summary of the full report, the Color Leadership Evaluation 5.0.
“Studies indicate workplace enjoyment is the key to success. So as you read, consider only “Was I mostly having fun at work?” Disregard your present and past employer’s environment.
Best Occupational Category
1. You're an ORGANIZER
       Self-Control, Practical, Self-Contained, Orderly, Systematic, Precise, and Accurate
      These conservative appearing, plotting-types enjoy organizing, data systems, accounting, detail, and accuracy. They often enjoy mathematics and data management activities such as accounting and investment management. Persistence and patience allows them to do detailed paperwork, operate office machines, write business reports, and make charts and graphs.
       Suggested careers are Administrator, Secretary, Printer, Paralegal, Building Inspector, Bank Cashier, Private Secretary, Statistician, Operations Manager, Financial Analyst, Bookkeeper, Medical Records Technician, Developer of Business or Computer Systems, Clerical Worker, Proofreader, Accountant, Administrative Assistant, Banker, Certified Public Accountant, Credit Manager, Store Salesperson, Actuary, Dental Assistant, Business Education Teacher, Food Service Manager, IRS Agent, Budget Analyst, and Underwriter.
        Your very careful, conscientious, conservative nature gives others the confidence to trust you with handling money and material possessions. Structured organizations that have well-ordered chains of command work best for you.
        Suggested Organizer workplaces are large corporations, business offices, financial lending institutions, banks, insurance companies, accounting firms, and quality control and inspection departments.
 2nd Best Occupational Category
2. You're a CREATOR
     Nonconforming, Impulsive, Expressive, Romantic, Intuitive, Sensitive, and Emotional
      These original types place a high value on aesthetic qualities and have a great need for self-expression. They enjoy working independently, being creative, using their imagination, and constantly learning something new. Fields of interest are art, drama, music, and writing or whether they can express, assemble, or implement creative ideas.
Section I: You and Your Team
This personality overview section highlights your natural workplace talents—the tasks you pursue with passion. You'll learn how your natural strengths complement those of your coworkers and how, joining forces, you can resolve on-the-job dilemmas.
Section II: Your Key To Success
Here you discover your capacity for dispelling disruption and maximizing profitability. Use this proven, beyond-self-perception advice to create a more positive career path free of detours.
Section III: Managing Strengths and Weaknesses
Your evaluation's highest and lowest scores result in this section's recommendations for staying on-track in your career and reversing wrong turns. In focusing on your talents and missteps, you'll re-stoke your energy and enthusiasm for managing costly mistakes.
Section IV: Leadership Power Moves
This final section identifies your "street sense," those power moves that turn obstacles into insignificant details. Here suggestions based on your color-ranked evaluations will guide you towards making the most of an interview or harnessing your fast-paced workday.

Nuostabios juostelės

                   Savo būsimiems darbeliams labai norėčiau ir tikiuosi vieną dieną galėsiu sau leisti nusipirkti šių nuostabių juostelių rankdarbiams: iš čia arba čia

2011 m. rugpjūčio 23 d., antradienis

Šachmatų lenta: "diplominis" pabaigtas laiku ir padovanotas :)

                   Po aktyvios vasaros pabandysiu sugrįžti į internetinę erdvę. Pradėsim nuo mano "diplominio" (lyg nebūtų užtekę tokio dydžio darbo baigiaqnt dailės mokyklą :) ) - pabaigto ir jau įrėminto pateikimo jūsų akims :)
                   Po truputėlį supažindindavau su savo grandioziniu darbu - juodojo siuvinėjimo technika atliekamu rankdarbiu.